Mowbray House Surgery: 01609 760002
Hutton Rudby Surgery: 01642 706056
Consultations with clinicians are by appointment only. Your appointment is for 10 minutes. Please ask for a double appointment if you know your problem may need more time or if you have more than one issue to discuss.
Our reception staff will ask what the problem is so that they are better able to deal with your query. Please be assured that any information you give will be, as always, treated in the strictest confidence.
You can book appointments online via the SystmOnline service. Registration is required. To register for an online account please ask a member of our team.
If you require an urgent appointment i.e. for the same day, you may be asked to speak to our duty doctor to decide how best to deal with the problem. It is not always necessary to see the doctor as some problems can be dealt with over the telephone.